Sunday, August 09, 2009
August 2009
We have had a very busy month recently. Being busy is sometimes a really good thing, but at other times it can be a little too much. So what have we been busy with?
Mid-July we went to Chiang Mai (a city 3 hours from Chiang Rai) to pick up a young man who will be helping us with the School of Biblical Studies (SBS). He comes from Oregon, USA and will be staying with us for about a year and a half. He is a great guy and we look forward to working with him over this next period of time. His name is Jake and he’s 24.
While driving back from Chiang Mai I received a phone call asking about an opportunity to teach in the Discipleship Training School (DTS) is Bangkok from July 20-24. After praying about it Cy and I both felt that we should go. I had one week to prepare a 15 hours teaching on Spiritual Warfare. It was a lot of hard work, but it was a lot of fun to learn and then teach what I had learned. We talked about spiritual warfare being as simple as TRUTH vs LIES. We were fighting the lies with the truth. It was a very tough week, but very fruitful. One day and a half was spent on confessing the lies that everyone was believing in and replacing them by praying the truth over them. One girl even dealt with some issues with the occult and witchcraft in her life. It was the first time that we cast out a demon in Thailand and God was glorified immensely. Cy and I were both impressed with the power of God during that week of teaching.
After teaching Friday the 24th we went to pick up my (Rob’s) parents who were arriving to spend two weeks with us. The following day we brought them to Chiang Rai. We showed them everything that there was to show and took them elephant riding. We even got a group photo of the four of us holding a 13 ft python. After that we went to discover the Southern region of Thailand, going to Phuket and Krabi. Both places were beautiful. We stayed in a hotel for 23$CAD a night and rented scooters for 7$CAD a day. We explored the island of Phuket for 4 days before heading to Krabi.
In Krabi, Cy and I participated in the YWAM Thailand National Conference which was held there for four days. God challenged us to deepen our intimacy with Him while aiming our efforts to reach out to Thailand that is in great need of Jesus. We were encouraged to pray and worship and fellowship with YWAMers from all over the country as we spent four days together. God really used that time to encourage us and inspire us.
Now we have returned back to Chiang Rai where we will be starting a time of staff training for the SBS. We commence in a week with the two families (American and Swedish) and Jake. Please pray that God would equip all of us to lead and teach well. We’re really excited that after 2 ½ years of being in Thailand we’re about to start the SBS, the reason why we came here to begin with.
We pray that all of you are doing well and that God’s continually drawing you into a greater friendship and intimacy than ever before. May God’s will be done in all of our lives.
Rob and Cy
See our pictures by the link on the left
Friday, May 22, 2009
What have we been up to?
We have been a little late on our monthly updates this year. We had some opportunities arise that allowed us to participate in events in other countries. Our global leaders in YWAM encouraged us to participate in what was called “The YWAM DNA Infusion”. It was a three week event where our leaders spoke about the original call of YWAM to go to ALL nations and preach the gospel to EVERY creature (according to the gospels of Matthew and Mark). We were challenged to renounce what we as humans believe are our rights (for example: a right to live wherever I want, a right to sleep in a bed, a right to do whatever I want, a right to eat the food I like and to not eat the food I don’t like, etc.). We were challenged to lay down our lives (renounce our rights) and follow Jesus. We were taught to first commit ourselves to obeying whatever He tells us and then listen to what God speaks to us. Then obey. Pretty simple, eh? Simple to understand, challenging to do. We were inspired throughout the three weeks. This event was held in Herrnhut, Germany (close to the borders of Poland and the Czech Republic). From there we went to another conference that was held in Hurlach, Germany (2 hours from Munich) where all of the leaders from the School of Biblical Studies from around the world gathered to talk, pray and seek the Lord together. Both times were great and God moved in both of them. We have a lot more to share but we understand that not everyone has the time to read long emails, so if you would like to know more of the things that God spoke to us then email us.
One of the things that God did was use another missionary couple to bless us with 100 Euros. So, between the two conferences we spent five days serving the YWAM base in Herrnhut by making food for them and then taking day trips to both Prague, Czech Republic and Gorlitz (a border town between Germany and Poland). We’ve posted pictures of everything on Facebook and our blog (
We have some great news! The foundation that we are spearheading for YWAM Thailand is getting closer to the goal. The original goal was to raise 18,000$CAD. That has changed because we have changed the law firm that we were going to go with. Now the cost is cheaper: 360,000 THB (13,000$CAD/10,500$US). That’s not all! We have raised almost 285,000THB and we only need another 75000THB (2,500$CAD/2,200$US). Isn’t God great? We’re so close to our goal. We just wanted to praise God because He raised about 10,000$CAD in two months. Only our Provider can do something like that. We want to thank those who gave because their sacrifice will serve many for years to come. Thank you!
So, we’re back in Thailand and eager to put all that we have learned into practice. Please pray for our language studies (yes, we’re still studying), our health (you never know what the enemy will throw at us) and for our ministries. Rob will be going to teach in the YWAM Discipleship Training School from May 31-June 6 in a country closed to the gospel, so please pray for God to use him and for safety. It’s an underground discipleship course so cover him with your prayers.
We love you and thank you for your support,
Rob and Cy Wiebe
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
We're back online!
Greetings to everyone,
This last month has had a lot of things packed into it so we’ll try to summarize and make this a short update. In our last update we mentioned that we have been in the process of setting up a new foundation which YWAM would have in order to offer long-term visas for its staff. As many of you already know, we have to travel too much due to visa situations and now that we have been seeking out solutions and praying about we sense God’s leading in this director. Our goal is to raise 18,000$CDN as soon as possible to officially apply for the foundation. We have raised close to 3,000$ already and continue to pray for more support.
We had the privilege of having friends from
We’re back into the swing of things here at the base, serving in our capacities. We continue discipling the staff, the students and the people we reach out to. We really enjoy what God has called us to do here in
We thank you all for your support and prayers and emails. We look forward to keeping up with you and having you be a part of our lives, even at a distance. God bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you and be gracious and give you peace.
With love,
Rob and Cy
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Something I have learned [Rob]
Friday, February 09, 2007
We're are participating in two special things in the next while. FIRST: Every Tuesday night @ 7pm we will be teaching people how to study the Bible in such a way that it makes everything simple and alive. We will be working on the book of Galatians during a six week period. We hope that those who are interested in digging into the wonderful world of God's written word would come out to that. It will be at South Abbotsford Church (Huntingdon Rd.).
SECOND: Cy and I are having a night of sharing about what God has done around the world through our ministries the past two years. There will be testimonies of the faith that God has given us and the ways that God interveens in the lives of His children. Also, included in this package is a clip into the future of what we will be doing in Thailand. There will be pictures and movies to go with everything. Coffee and drinks, along with refreshments, will be available. Bring your family and friends to a night of encouragement. It's all happening FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 7pm, SOUTH ABBOTSFORD CHURCH. We hope that those who are close can take advantage of these wonderful opportunities. See you soon.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
The Struggle of Canadians [Rob]
I thought that it was about time I would give just a little note to you. This time, seeing as I'm in Canada and not having too many extravagant stories these days, I would like to share with you something that God has been speaking to me about.
The other morning Cy awoke and told me that God had spoken to her during the night. He said that we were falling for the deception and that we needed to be more careful about our quiet times with God everyday. Well, that put my antennas up and I went straight to be alone to pray. While praying I felt to read the parable of the sower. It's found in Matthew chapter 13. In the first 23 verses, there are two that really stuck out to me: 7 & 22. It talks about how the seed (the word of God) fell among thorns and what those thorns stand for. There are two types of thorns:
1. the worries of this life
2. the deceitfulness of wealth
Needless to say, God was very specific in telling us about what the deception is.
As I look back on my christian life, I can see that many times I did not have a specific calling to leave Canada. Rather, I knew that I was being choked out of my faith here due to those two reasons and I wanted to find myself getting closer to God, not farther away. Well, this is something that I have noticed a lot in Canada. There are great sermons and we're all pumped about them, but as soon as we leave the church the worries of this life or the deceitfulness of wealth attack us and we feel like seeking God is the last priority on our list. I am sharing this with you today because I know that there are many out there like me who want more of God, but feel like their growth is being choked out by the thorns. I prayed that God would help me to have the strength to take that time out of my day and I have put my faith into action (I have to wake up earlier even when I'm really tired) and I have seen the results. It's not like you go from a battle into paradise, but I can say that I am starting to make more ground again. I just wanted to encourage you in this way today. Don't feel alone in your struggle and don't feel like it's impossible. Because with God all things ARE possible. He wants you to seek Him, He told me so.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Continuing the journey [Cy]

Now we’re in Canada enjoying the family, friends, church, work and of course, the cold!!!
The last two weeks have been stupendous. God has really blessed us. Everything has been surprise after surprise. When we think that it’s enough, that God couldn’t bless us more, something greater comes. It’s been a time of seeing the faithfulness of God and how good He is.
Rob has found a job and he’s doing great. He works from 7 am – 3 pm. I’m learning English.
We are planning to leave Canada near the beginning of April, going to Thailand (YAHOO!!)
Thank you to all for your prayers. We know that you prayers for us have helped us get across the challenge of the wedding. May God bless you!!!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
PICTURES!!!! [Rob]
Cy and I arrived safely in my home town of Abbotsford, BC in Canada. We spent three days (basically non-stop) in a bus from Toronto. It was a test of patience, but we arrived without too many problems. We are home now, resting more than anything else and simply enjoying the cold weather. With the little extra free time that we have had I have put some pictures on the webpage. I hope that you find what you are looking for. Just click on the "Pictures" button on the right hand side of the screen. It should take you directly to a simple page where everything is to be seen. Thanks for your prayers and support. We will continue to let you in on our advances as we prepare the way to Thailand (we're aiming at April). Have a great day and may God bless your relationship with Him.
Saturday, December 23, 2006

We are officially married and enjoying the wonderful life of a united couple. God provided a beautiful wedding for us. We were able to share our testimony and God really was glorified through our unity. The reception was great as well and everyone had a great time. I even danced (well, kind of) merengue, which is kind of like Salsa. There was great Venezuelan food and we all ate well. There wasn’t anything that was lacking. Thanks so much for your prayers and thoughts.
God also gave us the wonderful opportunity of spending time on an island in the Carribean for our honeymoon. That was really a great time. We are putting all our pictures on the webpage, I hope you get a feel for what we experienced. Thanks again for all your prayers, we feel really blessed. We are glad that we have been able to start our married life together in blessing and peace. Thanks and we’ll be arriving in Toronto, Canada on the 31st of December and in Abbotsford sometime in the first few days of January. Chau, we love you all.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I graduated [Rob]

Well, as you can see, I have graduated from the school of Biblical Studies. I am happy because through all of the difficulties and struggles, I believe to have left the school with an "A" average. That gives me great relief. God has taught me so much through all this that I don't know how I will be able to give all that I have received. I hope to bless many of you with some sort of word of encouragement.
I have safely arrived in Venezuela and have come alongside Cy as we continue to put the finishing touches of the wedding. My parents are arriving on the 3rd (Elections day) and we get married on the 6th. We're really excited and thank God for all His miraculous presence in our challenge to get through the hectic stress.
Thanks for all your love and prayers and may God continue to richly bless you. May your relationship with Him continue to grow more and more intimate.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I believe that this is a great picture of the two of us. [Cy]
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
New things [Cy]
I want to tell you what has happened in these last days in terms of the wedding. God has done some marvelous things, He’s opened doors where befote there were none. The first thing, and most important to me, is that I have found my wedding dress; it was a tough job y a lot walking, but finally God took me to the perfect place to find it. Other miracles have also happened. A professional chef from my church offered to cook for us for free so that we could eat well in the reception. We only need to buy the ingredients. Also, two of my aunts are going to help with desserts. We have received the sound equipment as well. We have someone to translate and interpret the ceremony and the reception. All this is completely free. So God has been leveling all this out for us. We have also found many things with great offers. I thank God because He has oponed up those doors.
In the country there is a lot of pressure due to the political situation. The elections are almost here and the economic situation isn’t so great. But even in the midst of all this, I can see God is with us. I confess that it’s all a challenge to have the wedding on the 6th because it will be 3 days after the elections. That will determine if many of our friends and family will come or not. The one understandable reason for not coming is that. And just the same I want to thank the effort of every one of them. Whenever you think of me, please pray for all this so that God gives us peaceful days for the wedding and so that every person that wants to come may come without problems.
Las night God woke me up to tell me that I was in the middle of a strong spiritual war and that I must fight. He said that up until now I haven’t been fighting, but that now is the time to stand up in prayer so that all the things for the wedding can come to pass. I can recognize that I have had a relaxed attitude with all this, as if I was waiting for everything to turn our well without God’s intervention. But it was God who united Rob and I and I’m sure that He wants the protagonist’s role in all this. God spoke to me that I should be encouraged because He has given me the strength to get to the end. He is always with me. This is the way things are, it’s a war. Christ already won, but I must take this truth to obtain a new victory in Him.
Thanks for your prayer support, but I would like to ask you to not rest, but rather continue praying for Rob and I. I know that for him it’s difficult. Please don’t stop writing us, that is one way you can really support us. We always need messages that encourage us, to hear reports from your lives, greetings, etc.
May God bless you. Ephesians 3:20
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Pray for us [Rob]
I would like to confess to you all that it hasn't been too easy for me to be alone in Chile once again without Cy, but I am making it along alright. We are down to 6 more books of the Bible and we're done. I'm so excited. I have just two more exams and I'm finished. Please pray that all goes well on the last stretch of a looooooonnnnnngggggg school.
Well, I just wanted to encourage all of you to keep going strong on the things you have before you. Everyone has plans and ideas that we are gunning for. But nothing comes easy in life. We have to push forward, even when it seems hopeless. If it's God will, then He will come through.
Guys, I just want to remind you that Cy and I are having a hard time being separated and that we would appreciate your prayers in this area. We have 4 weeks left and we want to make the best of it. Also pray that Cy finds all the right things for the wedding as she makes preparations.
We love you all and hope to be able to visit the most possible before heading out to Thailand for the long haul.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Thanks [Cy]

I’m already in Venezuela. It was wonderful to see my parents again alter 4 years without seeing each other. It was an explosive moment of hugs and kisses. I thank God for this opportunity to share this time of wedding preparations with them. I also thank God for the opportunity to be in my country after such a long time outside of it. What I love the most is that it’s hot here. I am enjoying it to the max!!!
This is a new time in life that I am enjoying thoroughly where I am sure that I will get to know God more.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Change of plans
Once again we have been very busy. We have some announcements to make to all of you. We have decided on some changes due to many reasons. Let's start with the big change. After prayer and advice, we have decided to move the wedding date up. We were thinking about it and thought that it would be a lot more peaceful and less stressful to spend our three months in Venezuela as a married couple and not as two engaged people running around trying to plan a wedding. We also wanted to use the time to spend with Cy's family and her church and just have a time as a couple in her culture. Anyways, we are now getting married on the 6th of December 2006. With that decision made there are other changes. For example, Cy will be leaving this next week to go and make the plans for the wedding. Another one is that I will be spending the next 5-6 weeks without her by my side. Yeah, two things that are going to be rather tough. But in the end, we know that God is guiding us to do this. And if it's God's will, then it has to be the best thing for us.
So Cy is leaving on the next possible flight out of here, which looks to be Tuesday. Please pray that she can get that flight. She has applied for the visa to come to Canada and so we are waiting for that answer on Monday. Please pray that she will be able to get that visa. Cy will be there in Venezuela until I get there. We are planning on spending our time there until about March 2007 spending time with family and raising financial support before our big journey to Thailand where we will be investing our lives. Who knows when we will be able go back to Venezuela?
Anyways, so these are the new plans. We're both excited and sad, excited that Cy gets to go back to her home country after 4 years without seeing her mother and sad because we will be separated for 5 weeks. Please pray along these lines for us. Also, I want to finish this school well and receive the greatest amount of revelation possible.
Thanks for supporting us with your prayers and encouragement. We need it as well. We will keep you all up-to-date with our crazy lives. We love you all!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
We're back! [Rob]

Greetings once again,
Sorry about the lack of writing. We have been rather busy the last few days. Cy turned 25 on the 7th of October and so we had a weekend of birthdays. Her brother was able to come out from a nearby city with his family. Having her sister here in the base with us allowed us to have a wonderful weekend as a family. I got to know my future brother- and sister-in-law. We shared a bbq with too much meat and had a lot of laughs.
So after such a wonderous "break" from 24 hour studying, I'm back at the books again. We are finishing up rather quickly. We only have 6 more weeks left. We're going to finish strong. I have been able (miraculously) to keep my notes up.
Well, please pray for our strength. The school is long and hard. The school in itself is difficult and also trying to balance a relationship in the mix, it all adds up to a whole lot of pressure. So please pray for strength and patience. We love you all, talk to you guys later.
Monday, October 02, 2006
A vision [Rob]
I wanted to use this opportunity to encourage you with something that God showed me. I was praying this morning and I began to see a vision:
I walked into the throne room of God Almighty. I stood before the King of kings and the Lord of lords. I was wearing dirty, ripped clothing. I was filthy and poor. I had nothing to offer God. I was a nobody, wretched and without hope. As I looked at myself I turned to God and said, "Well, there is no reason to hide it from you. This is who I am. Please, have mercy on me. I need new clothing, but have no money to buy some. I need a bath, but there is no water to wash myself with. I am at your mercy, Lord. Please, according to your infinite mercy, cleanse me." And God raised his hands and angels came to clean me. I was washed and given new clothing. I began to shine like polished gold. Joy began to fill my heart. I turned to God and gave him a word of thanks. I turned to walk out when I realized that I was wrong. I turned back and walked up to the Father and gave Him a big hug. I leaned on his shoulder and began to whisper words of love into His ear. That is when the vision ended.
I believe that many of us use God like I did. We go to Him for forgiveness and cleansing from our sins and then we leave. That is not what God had intended from the beginning. I was battling over the meanings of mercy and grace. Mercy is to NOT RECEIVE WHAT WE DESERVE. Grace is to RECEIVE WHAT WE DON'T DESERVE. I think that many times we live in mercy, but we don't live in grace. We often confuse the two, but they are very different. Forgiveness is not grace, it's mercy because we don't receive what we deserve through forgiveness. But what do we receive that we don't deserve? A relationship with God. God does not cleanse us of sin so that we can go and try to live by the law again. He cleanses us so that there is nothing that would hurt our relationship with Him. It's all about our relationship with God. He wants our love. Just like you desire to be loved, God desires to be loved. You want to hear words of love, He wants to hear words of love. You want to spend time with loved ones, God wants to spend time with you.
I want to encourage you today to think about your relationship with Jesus. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't as it should be. If there is any sin in your life, don't worry, there is forgiveness. Just remember that forgiveness leads to relationship. Spend time with God, He's been waiting for you with expectations of love.
Friday, September 22, 2006
We're back again [Rob]
I know that we haven't written much lately. Our computer had a part break and so we had to go to Santiago to buy a new part. But now we have finally returned to the cyber world. And now that we are back, I think that it's time to share once again what is happening in our lives.

Well, just two more months and the School of Biblical Studies ends. Then we are off to Venezuela to finish up our wedding plans. I, personally, am excited to go to another new country and especially to meet Cy's parents. We have many plans to do special things there.
Oh, while we are on the subject, please pray for somethings:
- For all the visas and papers necessary to go to Venezuela, Canada and finally Thailand.
- For the finances for those trips as well.
- For the churches where we will be sharing both in Venezuela and in Canada. (I guess Thailand as well once we get there.)
Cy and I are doing just great, falling in love with eachother more everyday. It's amazing how at first I thought that it couldn't get any better, and now looking back I can see how our love has grown and matured and become even sweeter than at first. I guess that is what God's plan is for all of us: that love would grow and not die. I believe that it can be applied to all relationships, not just between a man and a woman, or even friends, but also with God.
Well, may you all find encouragement and love in our God. Blessings!
Monday, September 11, 2006
God is opening ways where we didn't see them before. [Cy]
I also want to share that everything with the wedding plans is coming along. We have seen some blessings come our way as I plan to return to Venezuela after almost 4 years and I see my parents again.I continue to understand and see God move His hand. While it continues I keep on praying and thanking God for His mercy and power over our lives.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
My Final Exam [Rob]
Right now we are on "vacation." I write "vacation" because we have to study the two books of 1 & 2 Kings in an 8 day span. It's tough, but possible. It took me over 4 hours just to read it once. It's long, but really challenging and with a lot of great lessons to learn.
Oh, I wanted to tell you all that I did well on my final oral exam. I got 94.4%. That was by the grace of God because I didn't know that much, He just reminded me in the time of the exam. So I hope to end this term better than the first one.
Now we have just one term left, less than three months. Cy and I hope to be leaving Chile on the 26th of November to go to Venezuela. We're excited about leaving the cool weather and heading to a warmer place.
Oh, I figured out that my cold has actually been allergy. And so I am taking something for that and it is helping. Thanks for your prayers. At least I know what it is now.
Well, I love you all and hope to hear about what is going on with everyone. May God continue to bless you and keep you in His arms of mercy.
(Oh, and sorry about allowing that one comment that was a little appropriate! It's been fixed)
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
My new quiet time with God [Rob]
Deuteronomy 17:14-20 speaks about how the king should behave himself. It says some pretty interesting things: He must not acquire much of three things: power (horses are the symbol of power), women or money (gold and silver). And what should he do? Well, the first thing that the bible mentions is that he should write himself a copy of the law and read it every day of his life. Why? 1. So that he can learn to fear the LORD. 2. So that he would follow everything that is commanded in the law. 3. So that he would not consider himself better than his brothers. This action, with those results, allows a king to rule for a long time.
I took this as an idea for any type of leadership. A leader is governing over people, whether he's a cell group leader or Prime Minister of Canada. The best way to know what to do in any situation is to read the law. Well, after all that back up information, I would like to share with you that I have taken the challenge to write the Bible as I read it. I write like it was written in the original: without chapters or verses. (plus it's a lot easer that way) I have started in Deuteronomy and have enjoyed it a lot. I have noticed things that I wouldn't normally notice and the words have begun to stick in my mind a lot more. It's like writing the law on my heart, but in a practical way. So maybe I can encourage you to try it out. It may help you see more truth than you normally do. May God bless your alone times with him. And you if you don't spend any time with God, maybe you can start today.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
I got my passport [Rob]
Hey Everyone,
I have just finished my study of Deuteronomy. That is one great book. I thought that I would get bored by it because of all the laws and stuff, but once I came to realize that it was the written covenant, like a legal document, I began to read it differently. Also, I can understand the Psalmist that wrote Psalm 119 when he said that he loves the law of God. It truly is beautiful once I wrapped my mind around the idea of the heart of the law.
I wanted to share also that I have finally received a new passport. My other one was going to expire on the 6th of December of this year and I wouldn't have been able to plan for Venezuela. However, thanks to a lot of travelling to Santiago and searching for all the information that was needed I have a new passport. Now I can begin to apply for the Thailand visa and travel to Venezuela without problems. I just wanted to give glory to God for that.
Speaking of Venezuela, this is a photo of Caracas. It's the only one that I have. I don't know exactly where it is, but this can give an idea of the city where we will be getting married. I also wanted to continue to bless you guys with some photos. I know that I like them, so I assumed that you like them as well.
May God bless your journey through life. Talk to you all later.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
A quick update [Rob]
We just want to let you know how we are doing. I have been studying hard and taking some exams these last few weeks. It has been tough, but very rewarding. I can't believe how much of the Bible I didn't understand. I thought that by reading it I could understand it, but I realized that it all depends how I read. All I know is that I have begun to learn how to read the inspired word of God and how to understand it. I realize that it isn't so hard to understand the Bible when you simply read it for what it is. I have been doing pretty well in my exams. I plan on having better notes this trimester than the last one. Let's just hope I hope I can maintain the pace.
Cy has been teaching in this school and is about to teach in the Discipleship Training School (the one that I used to work in). She will be teaching about holiness. She teaches really well so I look forward to hearing about how it went.
Together as a couple we are doing great as well. Sometimes it's a little hard to plan our wedding from a distant land, but at the same time it's a great adventure. We have been seeing little doors open and close and how God has been standing behind our decision to get married in Venezuela. We are growing closer and closer together and we are enjoying getting to know each other more and more. Just when you think you have found all the good that there is in a person, they show another great side of life. That's how it has been for the two of us. We love each other more than ever now.
Well, we continue with our challenges of finishing well the school of Biblical Studies, getting our way to Thailand and then starting a new family. We're excited about life because God has been speaking to us about various things and we look forward to seeing his blessings flowing through us and spilling over into the kingdom of Thailand.
Thanks for your prayers. We all need them. If you happen to remember us in your prayers, here are some things to pray for:
1. to know God more every day
2. our relationship as a couple
3. leaving behind strong relationships with Pichilemu, our mother base in Chile
4. safety from sicknesses (I have been fighting a cold almost the entire school off and on)
5. our great financial challenge
We will be praying for you. May God bless you and may he keep you, and may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. And may he give you peace.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Rob and Cy's Challenge [Rob]
Cy and I have begun to count the cost of our plans. We live by faith and believe that God will provide. We also believe that the church is the main source of his provision for us. And so we simply communicate our situation and our personal needs and allow God to touch the hearts of those who He wants to use to help us complete His goals. After a long, calculated process, we have come to see our challenge for what it is. Here is a quick idea of needs:
Flight: Chile-Venezuela $1000 ($500 per person)
Living in Venezuela (December-February 3 months) $500
Wedding: That’s what parents are for.
Honeymoon: Whatever our budget allows.
Flight: Venezuela-Canada $2600 ($1300 per person)
Living in Canada: Not sure yet, depends on many different options.
Flight: Canada-Thailand $3000 ($1500 per person)
In Thailand: Our future leader in Thailand has sent us the following list for a married couple to live and work in YWAM in Thailand. Not all things are necessary for us personally, but just the same, this is what he sent us:
Based on 40 baht/US dollar (costs are per month)
* - necessary
*Language school (varied by school/tutor/location).....200.00-300.00
*Health insurance ($1270 per year).....106.00
Newsletter postage (.55 per letter to U.S.).....11.88
Income taxes (suggested).....43.75
*Visa trips.....62.50
*Multiple entry visa.....70.00
(this is for a US visa, we aren’t sure about Canadian or Venezuelan visas)
*Utilities (Water, electricity only).....25.00
Phone (based on 3 local calls/day).....10.00
Entertainment (depends on you).....25.00
*Staff fees.....37.50
Tithes/Offerings 10%
Savings ???
Total monthly budget (estimated).....1,100.00
God has been faithful so far and I don’t believe that he will let us down in any way. Well, don’t feel pressured to do something, but if you want to help it will be well appreciated. There are some of you who desire to give wedding gifts that are beneficial to the bride and groom. Sadly, kitchen utensils just aren’t practical to us as we have to do a lot of traveling. However, maybe an option would be to donate toward one of the things on these lists. Any donation to a specific cause will be used in that way and not in another. Also, if someone finds better flight prices (without having to go through the US – because Cy is Venezuelan and isn’t allowed) your suggestions will be well accepted. Also, if you don’t want to give money but have airmiles that you would like to donate, they could end up being more precious because of all the flights we have to take. If you live in Abbotsford and know of someone who would allow a newly married missionary couple to stay in some sort of basement suite or apartment for cheap or even free, please pass on our names and my email address. Or maybe you could pass on their email address on to us. (We plan on being in Canada from March-June 2007, a three month period). Thanks for your patience and support. May God bless you. And of course all your prayers are more than welcome.
Rob and Cy
I have constructed another webpage connected to the first one, just click on "Donate Today" under the links column.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
The Anouncement
We have created a simple site to explain at least a little of our future plans. God has been leading us to Thailand. Please check out our site under the links column: (Mission: Thailand). May God bless you. We hope to continue putting more information on that page as well as we come to know more about thailand and what we will be doing there. Thanks for your support.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Thank you [Rob]
Thanks for your encouragement, all of you. We really appreciate the comments and emails that we have received due to our engagement announcement. I know that a lot of you have been with me through my time of searching for a wife. Well, when I finally stopped searching God brought her to me. How nice of him, eh? Anyways, this is a thank you note from us to you.
Also, I wanted to share that we have been doing some thinking and praying and planning. We will be getting married on the 24th of February in Caracas, Venezuela. We decided to get married in Cy's home country because we don't want to get married in Chile and we both speak spanish fluently. Therefore, we shall be getting married there.
We were both remembering back to our time as singles when we didn't even spend time together. God spoke to her and to me specifically about one thing in common (We didn't know that God had spoken this to the two of us until we finally became a couple). God told me not to plan anything for after my School of Biblical Studies (which I am in now). God told her not to make a commitment further than this School of Biblical Studies. And so we have come together just in a time of transition. It's perfect for the both of us.
So why do I tell you all this? Well, Cy and I have been praying about our future. We both feel called to missions full-time. There is no other passion in our lives apart from fulfilling the great commission. As a newly-wed couple we believe that Chile is not our place to spend our first year. After seeking God for a long time now and seeing how he has begun to put everything into place, we have started taking steps toward a new direction. We are committed to YWAM and their values and goals and do not plan on leaving this organization any time soon. So, with all that said, we will be announcing our new plan soon. We can't let you in on it quite yet because I would like to add a simple webpage to this one with complete information on it all. So stay tuned...
Apart from all the mystery, I have been discovering great things through the study of the word of God. Right now, I am in the middle of the book of Leviticus. For those of you who read the Bible, I ask for prayer because it isn't an easy book to study, not anything like the gospels. So please pray for revelation and strength to make it through. I have enjoyed Genesis and Exodus and am now headed through the bible chronologically. God has revealed himself in great ways and I look forward to getting to know him just a little bit more EVERY DAY. May you all keep on seeking the face of God as he desires to show himself in great ways to each one of us. God is to be found, you just have to look for him. A lot of times we are like the people of Israel. God prepares to show himself to us personally, and just before he reveals himself we turn to a leader and tell him to talk to be our mediator between us and God. (See Exodus 19&20 especially 20:19-20) And just like Moises said to the people I want to say to each of you. "Do not fear." God is not going to judge you, he wants to heal and restore you. Get to know God through his word and through hearing his voice, he wants to be known. Well, I love you all and hope the best for you.
May you be blessed with God's direction and blessing in your lives.
Friday, July 21, 2006
I just wanted you to know that I'M HAPPY!!! During the whole process that I have lived in respect to my union with Rob and my relationship with him I have been able to see God and how he has guided each one of our steps and decisions in a clear and supernatural way. Each step that we have taken and are taking is confirmed time after time through the author of our relationship and surely he has big and beautiful plans for his kingdom through our lives and through the family which we are forming. I also want to thank everyone for their support and prayers for us. I am convinced that many of you are called by God to bless us in this way and for that reason I give you thanks for your obedience to the voice of God.
In Christ,
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I have the wonderful news that Cy and I are officially engaged as of July 17 2006. And first of all I would like to thank all of you who were praying for us. Your prayers were used by God to prepare us for this moment and the moments to come.

Well, I don't want to give out all the details, but I will say that we were in the Plaza de Armas (the central plaza of a city) in Santiago, in front of the central fountain. We were talking about chess because there was a chess tournament in the plaza. And acting like normal I simply told her that I have a question. I took out the ring, kneeled down and asked her (in english, gotta make it special for me too!) if she will marry me. She was stunned because of the surprise and held silence for quite a while (enough to make me wonder) and then she said yes (in spanish). And I put the ring on her finger. We laughed and hugged and she was stunned. I think the surprise of the moment, not so much the proposal in itself, was what kept her stunned. All in all, it was awesome and we both ended up really happy with how all turned out.

For all you singles out there, don't worry about how it all works out, God has a plan. And if you actually give that part of your life over to him without conditions, he will give you the best companion you could have ever imagined, in fact, better than what you can imagine. That's how it went with me.
God bless you all!
Oh, and I have had the question asked about the ring on the right hand. Well, in her culture the ring goes on the right hand until we get married and after the wedding it goes on the left hand. That's the way we're doing it.
God is Good [Cy]
Now is the Chapter 15 of Genesis. The verse 7 says that God promised to Abraham the land of the cannanian like homestead. God was promising him this land as his property in order that his children and the children of his children should live in it. Now, well for the time in which Abraham, I come to Canaan it was a land that was inhabited.
And because of it Abraham reacts and asks for a guarantee God of that what he was promising was going to complete (vs. 8) and God in his loyalty gives it to him. Vs 9-10. This type of ritual was something that towards usually in the time of Abraham to ratify an agreement; with the death. Verse. 17. In this alone case, God does the oath happening for among the divided animals. And this was what I am overawed of the history. God I do not demand anything of Abraham, only tape-worm that to believe in what God was saying to him even in spite of the fact that the circumstances should say the opposite and it was making clear that was over the circumstances and was faithful to fulfil the promise that was doing Abraham to him. God not tape-worm that to give no signal to Abraham but it did because it is GOOD and liked that Abraham was sure of it.
This word took myself to pondering in my life. Everything what God has done with me and all the promises that God has fulfilled in my life. And also thought if I could believe or not to a new promise that he was doing to my life even in spite of the fact that the circumstances were adverse. I learned that it is necessary to believe because God is GOOD and it is something that does not go to change. This one is a time of new challenges for Bob and for my (with everything of the wedding and the trips) this way that I believe that the word came as ring for the finger.
Kisses for all of you, we meet in another opportunity.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Get to know Rob just a little more
I have been studying hard this last week. Revelation isn't an easy book to study. There are so many opinions and points of view that I got a little tired of trying to understand every single detail. However, the book brought me to a new appreciation for the gift of salvation that the Lord Jesus Christ has given me. I cannot do anything but worship him thinking about the grace that he has poured abundantly over my life. I have had it so good for so long and I don't deserve any of it. I just want to publicly give thanks to Jesus for his sacrifice.
I have made a few additions to the website. I now have pictures of Cy and I under the links section. Also, there is a website of YWAM Pichilemu, Chile for those of you who would like to get to know the place and the people with whom I work and study. Enjoy!
I have officially finished the old testament and began with Genesis yesterday. It took me 3 hours and 20 minutes to read it through. But it is a great book. I love it. God is so creative. So thanks for your prayers and thoughts as I finished the new testament. Supposedly this next part goes a lot quicker. Can you believe it? I have only 4 1/2 months until I finish the school. I'm pretty excited. Well, that's enough news for now.
Oh, I received this questionaire from a friend and thought that it could be a great way to allow all of you to get to know me a little more. I hope that I you enjoy it. If you would like to, I would love to hear the following answers from you. I thought it was a good idea.
A) Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Columbia Kitchen Cabinets (gotta love that place!!!)
2. Arco / SuperSave Gas
3. Tree Planting
4. Teaching English in Mexico
B) Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Gladiator
2. Brave Heart
3. The Ghost and the Darkness
4. Remember the Titans
C) Four places you have lived:
1. Abbotsford, BC, Canada
2. Zambia
3. Mexico
4. Chile
D) Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Home Improvement
2. Chavo del 8
4. Everybody loves Raymond
E) Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Cancun
2. Capetown
3. Brazil
4. Buenos Aires
F) Four websites you visit daily: (not necessarily daily, but my mostfrequented sites)
3. Banking website
G) Four of my favorite foods:
1. Fettuccini Alfredo with any kind of meat
2. Mish Mash cake (trifle cake)
3. BBQ
4. Enchiladas
H) Four places I would rather be right now:
1. With my family
2. On a Carribean beach
3. Okanagan
4. GM Place - at a CANUCKS GAME
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Some new ideas
I figured that I can't really change the way I write. I still have to do it in an email style. That's the way you are all used to it. So anyways, I have been busy with my studies, girlfriend and working on new ways to give you more information and better the communication. Well, I have found that this blog idea has worked out for the better. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I

I am discovering many different things about the word of God and understanding much more than I was before. Right now we are finishing the New Testament with the Book of Revelation. It truly has been a revelation to me. I used to read it and almost fear it because I didn't understand how to read it or how to interpret it. There are still many, many things that I don't understand, but there are now things that I do. Before, the book made me afraid of the end times. Now I am beginning to lose the fear and enter into a joyous laughter because of the greatness of my God. I have been truly blessed by Revelation and hope to bless others by it's beauty.
Cy and I are doing awesome. It's amazing how much help a woman is in life. I never realized how wonderful the opposite sex is. They offer another point of view to the same situations in life. They offer comfort in times of trouble and they help us guys keep our head on straight. Well, at least I am a dreamer, or how I like to put it, I have a gift of vision. So we have been learning how to work together on things and plan together. It has been a great blessing in my life to have entered into such a wonderful relationship with Cy. Please pray for us as we venture through this life together.
Now, I also have been working on helping everyone out by giving information and pictures and all that I can about what I am doing. Well, this website has helped. I hope to expand more and more as I learn how to operate it and use it to bless others and extend the kingdom.
Thanks for all your time and faithfulness in reading about what's going on in a simple canadian's life. May God bless you in all that you do. May you get to know him more intimately in life.
Rob and Cy
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Greetings to all. We just wanted to start a blog so that you can always find out what is new with us and hear about how we are. For those who don't know much about us here is some quick information:
Name: Robert Wiebe
Age: 23
Birthday: June 1 / 1983
Nationality: Canadian
Current country of residence: Chile
Name: Cy Lugo
Age: 24
Birthday: October 7 / 1981
Nationality: Venezuelan
Current country of residence: Chile
We are starting this blog to not only let you in on all our new adventures through email, but also with pictures and hopefully other better options. Let us know what you think about this idea and if you will actually visit the site. Blessing to you all.