Thursday, October 26, 2006

Thanks [Cy]

The moment to say goodbye to Chile has come. Looking back I can see the hand of God over mi life the whole time I was in Chile. It was a time of growth and of knowing God in ways that I had never imagined, like it says in Ephesians 3:20. I want to thank all the Chileans for the space in this earth that they gave me to get to know God. I also want to thank all of those who were at my side during this time of growth and healing in my life. Thanks to Walter, Claudia, Lucas, and Pablito. You are a beautiful family. Thanks for your love and support in my crazy ideas. Also por opening a place in your family for me in this time. You are so special to me. Thanks Pedro and Francisca for your help, your love, and your support. Thank you Mitch and Juliet. I believe that you are in part authors of the things that I lived and by your faith YWAM Pichilemu exists. Andresito, thanks for your friendship. Our friendship showed me the character of God as a friend. Thank to my family: Marcelo, Joyce y Moi, I love you a lot. You guys were a great support for Rob and I. Thanks for your prayers and your spiritual covering over our lives. Thanks to all of you in the SBS, to my co-workers and the students for loving me and for blessing my life. Thanks to all in YWAM Pichilemu, fellow soldiers, I love you all and I already miss you all so much.
I’m already in Venezuela. It was wonderful to see my parents again alter 4 years without seeing each other. It was an explosive moment of hugs and kisses. I thank God for this opportunity to share this time of wedding preparations with them. I also thank God for the opportunity to be in my country after such a long time outside of it. What I love the most is that it’s hot here. I am enjoying it to the max!!!

This is a new time in life that I am enjoying thoroughly where I am sure that I will get to know God more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bienvenida a casa. El mejor regalo para los padres es cuando los hijos regresan al hogar. Espero que tengas un buen tiempo preparando los planes para la boda y especialmente el tiempo caluroso. Saludos a todos.
T. Moni