Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Rob and Cy's Challenge [Rob]

Hey everyone,
Cy and I have begun to count the cost of our plans. We live by faith and believe that God will provide. We also believe that the church is the main source of his provision for us. And so we simply communicate our situation and our personal needs and allow God to touch the hearts of those who He wants to use to help us complete His goals. After a long, calculated process, we have come to see our challenge for what it is. Here is a quick idea of needs:

Flight: Chile-Venezuela $1000 ($500 per person)
Living in Venezuela (December-February 3 months) $500
Wedding: That’s what parents are for.
Honeymoon: Whatever our budget allows.
Flight: Venezuela-Canada $2600 ($1300 per person)
Living in Canada: Not sure yet, depends on many different options.
Flight: Canada-Thailand $3000 ($1500 per person)
In Thailand: Our future leader in Thailand has sent us the following list for a married couple to live and work in YWAM in Thailand. Not all things are necessary for us personally, but just the same, this is what he sent us:

Based on 40 baht/US dollar (costs are per month)
* - necessary

*Language school (varied by school/tutor/location).....200.00-300.00
*Health insurance ($1270 per year).....106.00
Newsletter postage (.55 per letter to U.S.).....11.88
Income taxes (suggested).....43.75
*Visa trips.....62.50
*Multiple entry visa.....70.00
(this is for a US visa, we aren’t sure about Canadian or Venezuelan visas)
*Utilities (Water, electricity only).....25.00
Phone (based on 3 local calls/day).....10.00
Entertainment (depends on you).....25.00
*Staff fees.....37.50
Tithes/Offerings 10%
Savings ???

Total monthly budget (estimated).....1,100.00

God has been faithful so far and I don’t believe that he will let us down in any way. Well, don’t feel pressured to do something, but if you want to help it will be well appreciated. There are some of you who desire to give wedding gifts that are beneficial to the bride and groom. Sadly, kitchen utensils just aren’t practical to us as we have to do a lot of traveling. However, maybe an option would be to donate toward one of the things on these lists. Any donation to a specific cause will be used in that way and not in another. Also, if someone finds better flight prices (without having to go through the US – because Cy is Venezuelan and isn’t allowed) your suggestions will be well accepted. Also, if you don’t want to give money but have airmiles that you would like to donate, they could end up being more precious because of all the flights we have to take. If you live in Abbotsford and know of someone who would allow a newly married missionary couple to stay in some sort of basement suite or apartment for cheap or even free, please pass on our names and my email address. Or maybe you could pass on their email address on to us. (We plan on being in Canada from March-June 2007, a three month period). Thanks for your patience and support. May God bless you. And of course all your prayers are more than welcome.
Rob and Cy
I have constructed another webpage connected to the first one, just click on "Donate Today" under the links column.


Cake said...

Well, I can definitely relate to you guys right now as I'm in the middle of trying to raise support to go to Peru! I know neither of you are unused to trying to raise support but since I need to hear it just as much: Keep hanging onto our heavenly Abba! He's called you to be His sent ones. He'll provide for your needs and He'll be so faithful. I know it's true. Lord, let our faith grow and increase like that mustard seed into a huge tree full of leaves and fruit!!!

Your in my prayers!

journeylogger said...

Cy, I'm so glad that Rob's from Abbotsford!! I didn't even know! I live across the border from British Columbia. So I can come see you guys! Let me know when you get to Canada, ok? =) Kristi

journeylogger said...

Another thought:
For flights, here are some sites I like:

Also, you probably already know this, but round-trip is sometimes cheaper than flying one-way. I just found round-trip tickets from Panama to the U.S. for $593, so you might be able to find cheaper flights from Venezuela to Canada. Have you tried Santa Barbara Air from Venezuela?