Hello to you all out there, I thought that it was time for me to write again, however I can't seem to find anything special and new out here to tell you. So how about an encouraging idea. Ok, so every morning I wake up and before I do anything, I always spend time with God and his word. Well, having done this for years now, I was trying to think of a new way of doing it, a new way of reading the word. Well, while we were studying Deuteronomy in the school, God spoke to me through a passage.
Deuteronomy 17:14-20 speaks about how the king should behave himself. It says some pretty interesting things: He must not acquire much of three things: power (horses are the symbol of power), women or money (gold and silver). And what should he do? Well, the first thing that the bible mentions is that he should write himself a copy of the law and read it every day of his life. Why? 1. So that he can learn to fear the LORD. 2. So that he would follow everything that is commanded in the law. 3. So that he would not consider himself better than his brothers. This action, with those results, allows a king to rule for a long time.
I took this as an idea for any type of leadership. A leader is governing over people, whether he's a cell group leader or Prime Minister of Canada. The best way to know what to do in any situation is to read the law. Well, after all that back up information, I would like to share with you that I have taken the challenge to write the Bible as I read it. I write like it was written in the original: without chapters or verses. (plus it's a lot easer that way) I have started in Deuteronomy and have enjoyed it a lot. I have noticed things that I wouldn't normally notice and the words have begun to stick in my mind a lot more. It's like writing the law on my heart, but in a practical way. So maybe I can encourage you to try it out. It may help you see more truth than you normally do. May God bless your alone times with him. And you if you don't spend any time with God, maybe you can start today.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
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